JS Industries El Baron

The head honcho of the Baron family – the El Barón features a stretched out Big Baron outline that’s ridden narrower, with slightly more rocker and modern concaves to handle more speed and versatility. It’s a subtle single to double, featuring a “reverse concave” – one of Jason’s favourite designs. This means it’s a deeper concave in the middle, with slightly shallower concave in the nose and tail to help with water flow for maximum drive. Similar to the Big Baron, riding El Barón will naturally smooth out your surfing and translate almost immediately to the shorter, more high-performance boards that most of us want to ride when conditions (and mood) align.

El Barón gives you plenty of options, while not requiring a lot in return when it comes to wave quality, fitness or ability. You’ll have extra time to set up and make adjustments, earlier and easier entry as you paddle in, and the ability to go further and stay out longer in whatever waves are on offer.

Recommended fin choice:

FCS II – FCS II JS Tri or Quad.

The vast majority of surfers could ride almost any of the El Barón’s stock dimensions. Start with a couple more liters than your regular board, then go as big as you like depending on the style of waves and surfing you’re intending. For example, someone with a longboard background might just step down to a 7’0” or 7’6”, while a surfer who only rides shortboards might go no longer than a 6’4” to retain plenty of manoeuvrability.

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Original price was: $1,025.00.Current price is: $849.00.